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You are Limitless….


To Dream is to go to a place you have never been, to imagine is to paint a picture in your mind,  to aim high is following through on the two.

Here you are my friend, this is to remind you how boundless and limitless you are. The only person stopping you is you.
Yes I know,  you have always dreamed big but it doesn’t always pan out. Here is what I think, you probably have been going through the realization of your dream the wrong way.
Everything in life has a system, first you have to understand the system of your dreams,  now, tailor it to make it comfortable for you.

Just like loosing weight, if you don’t make the weight loss as comfortable as possible for you, to make it consistent, it will be easy for you to default on discouraging yourself.

Tailor your dreams to work for you, make it comfortable and convenient for you to follow through.
You are your biggest cheerleader, you can do anything you want,  you can be anyone you dream of, indeed the sky is your limit.

Majorly, the common question is where do I start from, like building any kind of house,  you start with the foundation. For a lot of us, that’s education, educating yourself in any field at any age broadens your mind, evolves you. Education don’t always means school, simply means learning from who knows More than you do.

Secondly, planning, your mind has expanded by educating yourself, now see your dreams and visions, it seems clearer, some needs adjusting, others need extension, now sit down and ask yourself, how do I get there? A goal without a plan is a wish. Note, not the easiest way but the workable most convenient way for you.
Like I pointed out earlier, don’t overload yourself and scare yourself off thinking “long thing” calm down,  stay with me, you can do this. Now plan,  how do we get there.

Thirdly, Strategize, put yourself in the right place with the right people that encourages and accords with your plan.  Who do I need? Where Do I need to be?Who are the kind of people do I need to Allign myself with to get go point A? How do I Allign myself with them, where are they.

Look at your current circle, everyone around you, which of them enhance your dream, if there isn’t any,  change your circle of friends. You are not fighting them,  you are simply  repositioning yourself. Meet new people. Always look and act confidently.

Be Consistent in your plan and strategy,  trust yourself don’t waver,  believe in yourself, if you can’t believe in yourself how will anyone be able to believe in you. Be professional, leave pride,  be impressive. Continue to grow your mind. You are just as special as those who made it.

Don’t limit yourself, don’t think small of yourself, you are only giving people the impression you are nothing but small, and they will continue to perceive you as small.

Create impressions,  upgrade your logo,  don’t be lazy package yourself and your business. Enhance your start up by branding yourself. Be colorful,  leave the hating mind you have on successful people rather close up to them and ask questions. Believe me every successful person I know has a story to tell,  and they are always willing to tell it.  Listen, pick what you can, strategize and plan.

You are limitless, you have the ability to be anything, no One is stopping you, no one is pinning you down. Expand on what you know now,  build on what you learn. Be eager to learn. Be interested in learning, and the sky isn’t even your limit you could go beyond the universe. Remember, if you think it, you can achieve it. If you dream it, you can become it. Don’t limit yourself by your thoughts.

These are my thoughts.

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