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Think of Ant...

When you hear of the tittle "Think about ant", what comes to your mind?
Ants are special type of insect, so unique that even the Holy Bible says 'humans should consider her ways and be wise'. Wisdom does not answer to size, we think little of them.

What can i learn from the ant?

I began to make a comprehensive study about it to know what it actually possess to make it so unique and scoop its wisdom.

To be wise in life we must learn from others, how they succeed and fail. A penniless man giving a talk on how to be a millionaire sounds absurd. Ants fall into successful category and can teach us how to be successful time and time again.

>>>Ants works as a team

Ants work together as a team in order to achieve great things. In order to have a substantial achievement in life, you must learn to align with others who can rocket you to another level.

We must learn to emulate role models in our field of endeavour. Brian Tracy emphasize the need to see what successful people in our field of endeavour have done and do well to emulate them.

>>>Ants are masters of the the word 'service'

List of the richest people in the world is not complete without mentioning, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Both are very inspiring and motivating, they are thinking about how to make the world a better place, rather than accumulating wealth.

They have gone beyond living for self which is a lonely existence, serving goes one step further and ask 'what can I do for you'.

When few ants in a colony are infected by a fungal disease, they spread the disease throughout the colony by licking it off one another, with each ant receiving as much diseases that the individual immune system can fight off effectively.

>>>Ants never chew more than they can bite.

With a small body size, ants handle up to one hundred times their weight, they know when to stop. Ant is never a 'yes' type. They know their boundaries and never go beyond it.

>>> Ants are big thinkers.

Ants are one of the insignificant insects by size on planet earth, they build colonies that are big, significant and great.

No matter how small you think of yourself, learn to pursue things bigger than yourself.

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